How do you position more than 10 straight days of deals for a business that up until that point was conservative with promotions? You ratchet everything up, go utterly over the top in the most lowbrow of ways, draw attention simultaneously to the absurd amount of sales and away from it. Make the focus an oh-no-they-didn’t! marketing campaign—instead of leaving the customer with an impression of desperation.

After receiving an extensive docket of offers and getting clued in to HOMAGE’s overstock situation, I was tasked with drumming up a large-scale concept that would not only make sense of the offers but make them successful. Being coy to the customer was not an option, I decided. I pitched a campaign as extra as possible. So extra, in fact, it was an EXTRAVAGANZA. We had to use that word. We had to play on the cheesy world of infomercials and used-car-salesmen speak. We had to be in on the joke-worthy amount of sales, and we had to have fun with it.

Suffice to say, the campaign is still the most fun I've had on any project to date, from concepting to writing site, social and email copy to drafting commercial ideas, scripts and improv lines on set.

The result: The EXTRAVAGANZA was gangbusters. It liquidated vast amounts of overstock and capped off one of the best sale periods the company had experienced to that point. It was so successful HOMAGE made it an annual event. Oh, and we got major love from the local Columbus American Advertising Federation chapter, picking up the 2016 Judge’s Choice ADDY and a Professional Gold in the Cross Platform Online/Interactive Campaign Category.


Marketing Director: Nate Ellis     Copywriter: Sean Rosenberg     Graphic Designer: Justin Nottke     Graphic Designer: Colin Rigsby

Video Production Studio: OnScene Productions