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Nearly 15 years after its founding, Embrace sought a brand voice refresh to stand out from the pet insurance pack. Working with marketing stakeholders, I dug in, doing a deep dive into the company’s branding history, its position in the competitive marketplace, and led the charge forward with the blessing of company leadership for the new look, tone, feel and messaging.

  • Carried out 360° research and discovery phase with full brand assessment, creative asset audit, messaging hierarchy, culture study, internal surveys, branding workshops, marketplace analyses and more.

  • Repositioned the brand for success, including establishing comprehensive brand standards, creating new brand tagline, revising evergreen brand statements, revised and developed new brand differentiators and marketing collateral.

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  • Brand Tagline

  • Brand Differentiators

  • Voice Brand Standards, Including Mission, Vision, Values, Value Proposition

  • Site - Homepage, Landing Pages, Supporting Pages

  • Site SEO

  • Digital Paid Ads

  • Direct Mailer - Remarketing Postcard

  • Sales Brochures


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